Applecross Stalking ponies on their holiday

15 July 2016

Loch Ness Rural Communities are very grateful to the Applecross Trust for allowing us to take Archie and Oscar, their stalking
ponies, to Invergarry Games on 2nd July. Our local ponies were still away for the winter so the Applecross pair had their winter break in Strathpeffer cut short for a guest appearance as stunt doubles. Although initially reluctant to get up and go that morning, they were certainly the star attraction and people from all over the world came over to ask about them. Their behaviour was also impeccable, walking past the tannoy, fairground ride, bouncy castle and sack

race like it was an everyday Applecross occurrence. Loch Ness Rural Communities is a group representing local farms and estates around Loch Ness to help promote the role of the land based rural workforce. The stand had a display of wool from the local Blackface, Highland Mule, Cheviot alongside tweeds showing the different designs for each estate in the area. The tweed being made from a Cheviot number 2 grade of wool. There was also information on ticks and Lymes disease and how to get involved on the local estates as a grouse beater. Archie and Oscar may well be famous as far as Boston, Minnesota, New Zealand, Germany, Holland…..and Glasgow. They will also be much missed in Errogie where they had a short break B&B. More images of the day can be seen on the Gallery page.