Monthly update from The Applecross Trust
18 August 2021
The summer season is in full swing in Applecross. The Ranger, employed by The Highland Council, in partnership with The Applecross Trust and funded by NatureScot, is integral to visitor management. The presence of someone in an official capacity, together with press coverage generated around the establishment of a ranger network across the Highlands, and the additional resource that a ranger brings has all helped to bring about a more responsible visitor behaviour.
There is still a way to go. But with the Tourism Group working together to develop a Tourism Strategy and management plans, the support of the Highland Council, and new signage due to be installed, visitor management is moving in the right direction.
Highland Cattle
Flora 11th, otherwise known as Elf, was born just a short while ago in the Applecross Glen. She is the last of the calves this year and brings the total to 31.
Applecross Farm
The tractors, bailers, grass cutters and the like were out in full force, taking advantage of the dry weather to make silage while the sun shines. Ragwort was pulled en masse, verges mown, and bracken cut. All part of looking after the landscape and the conservation of Applecross.
Hartfield House Hostel
Hartfield has been almost fully booked throughout the summer season and the autumn is looking similar which is positive news for local recovery. The hostel team are working to make Hartfield a greener place to stay with less of an impact on its environment. THis in turn has encouraged a more environmentally aware and active guest, with lots of people road cycling, mountain biking, climbing and hiking. A significant increase in visitors taking more time to enjoy the surroundings. Hartfield has also partnered with Applecross Gym to offer all customers the use of the on-site facilities; a fantastic new resource for those visiting and already well utilised.