Monthly update from The Applecross Trust
14 April 2022
Hartfield House Hostel
Hartfield House Hostel is once again fully open. There has been a constant flow of contractors staying throughout Jan/Feb but the hostel was closed to the general public during this time.
It is early on in the season but bookings are looking very healthy. It is likely that Hartfield will be fully booked from end April through to the end of October. Throughout the winter months there has been considerable works. A new bakery, The Baked Crusader, has taken residence; significant progress has been made on converting the old workshop into a laundry business for a local resident; sound proofing has begun on the hostel bedrooms to ensure a more comfortable stay; the first floor has been recarpeted throughout; staff accommodation has been created; mountain bike facilities installed, thanks to a grant from DMBinS, and; take away breakfasts and snacks will be offered to customers throughout the season.
There is a full team of staff in place and everyone is looking forward to welcoming those guests who have chosen Applecross for their holidays.
Tourism Management
At the end of 2021, Applecross Trust, on behalf of the Applecross Tourism Group, was awarded funding from Coastal Communities for its project, The Brighter Face of Tourism. The project includes development of a visitor website, beach clean campaign and dog waste composting, as well as informative visitor signage. It is hoped that the project will aid the measures already in place to better manage tourism in Applecross.