Finance & Admin

The interests and aspirations of the various Applecross communities on the peninsula are hugely relevant to all decisions made by the Trust, no matter how large or small. In recent years the Trust has sourced and invested over £6 million so it is important that the community has faith in the Trust’s ability to make the right choices and that there is transparency in the decision making process. A team of people are employed by the Applecross Trust to manage the estate and its finances.

Archie MacLellan

Trust Executive Administrator

Email: admin@applecross.org.uk

Address: The Applecross Trust, Old Bank House, Somerled Square, Portree, Isle of Skye IV51 9EH

Tel: 07484 047 250

Susie Whiteford

Trust Finance Officer

Email: susan@applecross.org.uk

Susie manages the admin and finance of The Applecross Trust alongside Zuzana Vojackova.

Zuzana Vojackova

Trust Finance Officer

Email: accounts@applecross.org.uk

Zuzana manages The Trust admin and finances on a part-time basis alongside Susie Whiteford.

Jess Whistance


Jess manages the communication operations of The Trust, developing strategic measures for tourism management. Jess is also Operations Manager for Hartfield Applecross Limited, The Trust's subsidiary company.

Address: Hartfield House Hostel, Hartfield Road, Applecross Highland IV54 8ND

Tel: 01520 744 333

Ian Mcfadyen

Applecross Estate Co-ordinator

Ian supports the Executive Administrator in implementing the operational requirements of the trust.

He co-ordinates with other estate staff and provides support across all estate enterprises ensuring that their tasks are completed safely and effectively.

Address: Applecross Trust Estate Office, Applecross House, Applecross IV54 8LS

Tel: 01520 744 209

Isabelle Kerjose

Isabelle undertakes path maintenance, general estate work, and is in charge of the holiday house requirements, co-ordinating both bookings and housekeepers.

Address: Applecross Trust Estate Office, Applecross House, Applecross IV54 8LS

Tel: 01520 744 209

Mike Summers

Stock person

Mike is responsible for looking after the Highland Cattle.

Email: mike@applecross.org.uk

Floortje van Schuppen

Stock person

Floortje is responsible for looking after the Highland Cattle.

Iain Sutherland

Deer Manager

Email: iain@applecross.org.uk

Address: Applecross Trust Estate Office, Applecross House, Applecross IV54 8LS


As well as attending regular Applecross Community Forum meetings, and various other visits to Applecross, The Applecross Trust meets twice yearly for an extensive meeting, reviewing all of the current projects, and plans for the future. The latest meeting took place 11 December 2023. The next meeting will be 29 & 30 April 2024.

Honorary Vice-President: Rodger Harvey-Jamieson

Rodger’s long involvement with the Trust, as a Trustee and Chair, and with extensive knowledge of Applecross as well as the Trust’s charitable purposes and activities, makes him the ideal person to be called upon for guidance.

Chairman: Kenneth McDiarmid FRICS

Kenneth is one of the senior Land Agents in the UK with 40 years of experience. He first came to Applecross in the 1960s and has continued his association to this day. Kenneth is the longest standing trustee and has recently taken over as Chairman.

David Bertie is a very experienced Land Manager, running his own estate in Dumfries & Galloway, which includes fishing and shooting. He has experience in all aspects of farming practice, agricultural and environmental schemes. The estate has the oldest Belted Galloway herd in the world, with the majority of offspring sold for breeding. David puts great importance on breeding animals in the way they should be, using the hill land, and working alongside the environmental aspects of farming.

Valerie Macpherson has recently taken over the role of Vice Chair of the Applecross Trust. She lives near Newtonmore where she helps to run her husband’s hill farm and estate. She is involved with the Clan Macpherson Museum there as its Treasurer, and also spends part of her time in Edinburgh where she is a volunteer adviser with Citizens Advice Bureau. Valerie has particular interest in gardens, public access and heritage.

Arthur Macdonald is a Torridon crofter and currently chair of his Township Committee. He has previously worked as team leader and manager with the Crofters and Crofting Commission, as area secretary with the National Farmers Union (NFU) and Training Advisor with the Agricultural Training Board. He is currently Director and Chair of Dunain Community Woodland.

Alasdair Macdonald lives in Fife. He is a Director of a company in Dunfirmline. Sensorium Ltd supplies call and communication systems for nursing homes and hospitals around Scotland. The company specialises in providing assistive technology for people with special needs. Project planning and implementation is his forte.

Malcolm Taylor has worked as a Chartered Surveyor for 35 years and is Senior Partner at Bell Ingram. Management responsibilities currently include being Senior Agent for Sutherland Estates, providing of advice to Ghia Trust on tenancy matters, and to a large number of tenants on rent review and landlord/tenant issues.

He is an RICS and AMC Registered Valuer and Vice Lord Lieutenant for Angus. His interests include natural history and archaeology.

Professional advice and support to the Trust is provided by:


Gillespie MacAndrew WS

5 Atholl Crescent




Mackenzie Kerr Limited


19 Culduthel Road




Cazenove Capital Management Ltd

12 Moorgate




Clydesdale Bank/Virgin Money

Longman Branch

32 Longman Road
